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Как-то я не понял эту игру. Сначала всё выглядело как какие-то ванильные грёзы битарда, которому наконец встретилась нитакаякаквсе тяночка "которой не нужны айфоны и айпэды", я даже начал скипать диалоги, не в силах это выдержать и не понимая как я умудрился загрузить какое-то "Бесконечное Лето" из раздела хоррор-игр. Потом оказывается что я играю за протагонистку, вроде как, и девочка вроде бы - не объект вожделения, во всяком случае не вульгарного. Ок. Затем девочка - это и вовсе некая сущность, может даже враждебная, а не человек. Позже выясняется что это, возможно, самое одинокое создание на свете и спасать тут надо её, а не протагонистку. Тут я уже совсем забыл что это должен быть хоррор и потянулся за носовыми платками, потому что было довольно грустно. А в финале история подходит к безысходности, обречённости и страху небытия, потому что лоля, судя по всему, не столько в друзьях нуждается, сколько хочет "помогать" другим, навязывая им безальтернативный выбор. Да, она всё-таки не монстр и эмпатией оказалась наделена, но тем не менее, просто как сам факт, это опять качели между "она такая хорошая" или "нельзя её здесь бросить" и "пожалуйста, милая, не убивай меня".

В целом, это неплохая и трогательная история, я получил удовольствие. 

Но меня всю дорогу смущало впечатление что тут очень сильно ностальгируют по СССР, со всеми этими коврами и вязанными салфеточками на деревянных телевизорах. Что я не совсем понимаю. Хотя я тоже в этом вырос, и тоже многое отдал бы, чтобы снова обнять бабулю и нашу кошку, но привязанность же вроде как к эмоциям и существам должна быть, а не к атрибутам. Хотя бы потому что, я не уверен, но мне кажется, мои бабуля и дед были счастливее без ковра и с корейским телевизором, чем с ковром и с телевизором "Чайка". Может я конечно зря доебался, это ведь вопрос субъективного восприятия, у кого-то эти интерьеры ассоциируются со счастьем в меньшей степени, у кого-то в большей. Но просто за совком такой шлейф негатива, что смотришь на эти серванты с сервизами, а видишь реки крови и бездну страданий, и не игровых, а настоящих, и даже не совсем в прошлом, потому что это еще не изжито. При этом, повествованию никак не повредило бы, если бы интерьеры были как в каталоге Икеи. А вот хрущёвку можно было бы оставить, архитектура в этом плане как-то по-другому работает, наверное, можно сказать, что дом определенного вида - это самостоятельное выразительное средство или художественный приём, такой же как сцена под дождём, например, в то время как другие элементы окружения, такие как мебель или одежда - вспомогательные, и могут быть свободно заменены (если конечно смысл не именно в них). К тому же, концепция хрущёвки как портала в другой мир - это уже почти классика.

И второй момент странный: вначале всё очень походило на игру в жанре квест, где надо обыскивать и лутать всё что можно, чтобы потом где-то применить, но в итоге абсолютно ничего не пригодилось и было похоже что это просто визуальная новелла. Судя по комментам, код еще можно было к какой-то двери применить, но зачем все эти бутылки колы, статуэтки, фотографии и тому подобное - не понятно. Просто, когда таким занимаешься и старательно прокликиваешь каждый шкафчик, чтобы не пропустить предмет, то погружение в историю страдает, в какой-то мере.

Я не критикую, это инди-игра, я поиграл бесплатно и пережил интересный опыт, который сделал мой вечер, у меня не может быть объективных претензий. Я трачу(не в негативном смысле, а в нейтральном) время на написание комментария исключительно из чувства благодарности и представления о том, что внимание и отзывы дороги каждому автору. Ну и, соответственно, вот, таково моё впечатление. ❤

(1 edit)

А, еще эта музыка странная на одном из этажей, в которой засэмплирован фрагмент из песни из советского мультфильма. Этот семпл как бы тонет в нойзе, будто звучит из проглоченного или сломанного проигрывателя. Я так и не понял, в итоге, прошлое - это счастливое место или трагическое, из-за которого всё пошло не так. Во всяком случае, возвращается оно в искривлённых формах, прямо как те постеры в одной из комнат. Хех, такая аллюзия на действительность. Или у меня СПГС.




Really good, didn't expect it to be so long as well, and I love the pixel art horror. Just one thing that I collected all of the codes but the password didn't work for me. It was fustrating and I reckon that might would have taken me to the true ending but oh well. 

Still, a really good game about death, reborn and the circle of life. I just wish I have a more better IQ to understand everything, maybe it's too complex for me. 


Art does not need to be fully understood. It is made t be felt.


This game terrified and sickened me, and I 100% loved it. 11/10, would eat here again.

Also, I would say that the scariest room in the game is the boys bathroom... :P

oh this is so good, This really resonated with me. I was really scared but I really liked playing it!

this game is really pretty and i relate to both of the characters.. i love this game

Really beautiful and even pretty sad.


i hope author will do another game


nika is not scary ,instead i like she

this game actually made me tear up


this game made me ball out tears, i wanna give both nika and lera a hug :c


this game changed my brain chemistry 


your brain is made of meat


(1 edit) (+4)

Nika's a good kid. She's not scary.

The flesh building... It's rather mean. Or, greedy? Clingy? If it were really mean, or evil, or wanted to kill, both Lera and Nika would be dead soon.

But the building of flesh doesn't exist, does it? Even in the game, the reality is vague. Was it all just in the kid's head? Pondering these questions, in a place where snow is a constant... 


... I saw some things reminiscent of WW2, posters that would fit right in at around that time...

Is it NK? A country which traps its inhabitants.. A building of flesh...

Is the main point the abstract... Or rather, the philosophical questions?

I think... Neither answer is wrong. After all, I didn't see a "Bad End"... Only a good end, and a true end.

It's possible that the good end is the bad end which is argued to be good by Nika. 

Nika's stance on the building seems conflicted. It's nice. It's safe. It's impossible to leave, though. It's good. Something Nika would invite a friend to partake in. But she's lonely. She's lonely, so she wants to leave. She's lonely, so she wants others to stay. Perhaps it isn't conflicting after all.

The flesh building could simply be death. After all, it's the simplest way to live forever. It's hell. Live in hell. Ants eat their kin, and produce more ants... Corpses are flowerbeds... This all starts with death.

"Allusions to suicide." 

This would all make sense as simply an allegory for death.

Nika's analogy with the ants which are one being and live on by eating one another and being born again, reconstructed, was one that she sort of waved off for being considered literally as immortality through cannibalism. 

If flowers and mold are included, we have plants, animals, and fungi, plus the building. Nonliving. It's a world, no? The living building is a world of its own. 

One gives birth, one eats, one drinks, one sleeps, one lives, and one dies. 

One is born, one is eaten, one is drunk, one is slept on, one watches, and one doesn't.

Death cannot be escaped, much like being part of the living building. It is assumed to be an eternity of nothing. Perhaps there are others who walk the same road. But seemingly, also, no way to be sure of anything.

Nika would be the guide. The reaper? No, perhaps not. A river ferry? A guide. All who have come before go on. That can't be, if the ant analogy worked. surely, someone would have joined her in all those years. But perhaps the joining is only with the living building. They won't see Nika again, not exactly the same way.

What is different with Lera?  Maybe nothing. Doesn't hate, isn't as scared, thrash...

Is Lera familiar with Nika? Maybe they are. Maybe they're even childhood friends. 

But familiar with death, or one in it... "Allusions to suicide"... I'm not perceptive enough. However, one considering death, coming close to death, longing for death, to go quiet...

For long enough, and deep enough, would they not be death's friend?

But after all, death's guide ought accept a lost soul's departure. They guide, they don't reap. If their rightful place is yet the side of the river only once called home...

Nika helped Lera back.

Dead people do reach out from heaven and hell.

They're still there, woven as fabric of memories, huh?

Is Lera old?

Is Lera young?

Is Lera old, dreaming of when he was young?

Is Lera young, dreaming of when he is old?

For a hazy observer like myself, both are plausible.

450762... What is this number used for? Maybe in the beginning, perhaps?

Death is desirable because Life is known.

Life is desirable because Death is known.

To be given something, then to want nothing, and find it, yet realize something was better... What a common occurrence.

To return to the womb is to die.

What is death? What is bliss?

Ignorance is bliss.

It's safe. It envelops all around. It's warm. It helps. It takes care.

Ones inside live at no effort. Little knowledge, and much pondering.

It's quiet. It's empty. It's suffocating.  It's uncontrollable. It's lonely.

With no way out, there is no exit. With no control, one cannot be made.

If there is a way out, there is an exit, which may be taken, which is in one's control...

Is that life?

Perhaps, as always, nothing is correct.


I love this comment ngl, It just sums up all the theorys and logic of the game with twists, Thank you for more or less summorising the whole game and the code is for a door (450762)


I tried it but it doesn't work. Either it is glitched for me or it is just a way to keep you exploring multiple rooms to discover and set the themes, maybe it's not about the door but the atmosphere.

i think that is because you're supposed to press esc until the word "passcode" clears out, then you can put the passcode in it

I got to the ending, and it was sweet. 😊❤️

I don't know what to think about this game, but it almost made me cry

I forgot to save, and it took me back to the beginning of the game

I'm stuck

i also got stuck here. there is a door between the two wallpaper walls. its kind of opposite the lamp

thanks, but which way.

nvm i got i


Holy shit.



I played this game like 6 months ago and I keep coming back to it, I have genuinely never had something resonate with me like this game did. I had no words when i finished it the first time, and I still don't, it was just incredible. Sometimes I just press run on the game and let the menu music play for hours, just so I can imagine what it felt like to play this game for the first time again.


Nika the girl was such an amazing character. It broke me when I told her that she was in my way cause there was an artifact behind her(sry for bad english)


Dang... this game is really fantastic. I came for the flesh horror, I stayed because it made me cry. The art also looks really good. Most of all I love the heart and caring behind the story, it's very, very touching.

I'm trapped and I didn't save...

wow this was awesome!

beautiful work 

im happy


Beautiful game but the body parts kind of creeped me out but it still is beautiful

thank you


This was beautiful, every single moment made me feel something, it was truly an experience wich showed me way more than i expected, this game got me in tears, i didnt epxect to be that deep. Thanks for the expirience.


10/10 I don't know where to start... this game is breathtaking i'll be honest i didn't know what i was getting myself into i love gothic bodily horror and I thought that was it!! but it turned into a experiance of self love, remeberance, friendship and kind of reminded me of Stardew Valley ( i know weird... ). I got into it and i didn't expect to sink 1 hour and 45 minutes into it but it was worth it!!

I would recommend.


can you add arabic translation please 🙏🙏




I found easter egg...


Whats the six digit combination i couldnt find all the photos


Thank You!


itss not working for me


im scared

Don't worry its a fun game

one word for this game, wow.

I got the happy ending LOL, I was coerced by a dead girl! I loved it so much, had such great unsettling vibes and it's cute too. I'm just sad it took this long to find it. it has been a while since I thoroughly enjoyed a game this much. Thank you!

Beautiful game! I forgot how amazing an RPG Maker game can be

(2 edits)


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