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nika reminds me of a friend i used to talk to but we don't talk anymore

Nika deserves better than this.

Join us, in perfection.

(2 edits)

AMAZING GAME. Both hauntingly beautiful and grotesque. It's a weird mix that blends so perfectly. I was mesmerized the entire time.

(1 edit)

очень красивая и атмосферная игра! будет перевод на русский? мне кажется это добавит плюс к ностальгии ахах.  играть было одно удовольствие, спасибо большое :3


you died in an endless snowscape trying to escape. congratulations, you got the true ending!




this is probably my new favorite game on this site


the best word I can use to describe this game is...perfection

the writing is excellent, the visuals are creepy, the atmosphere is just right

definitely keeping an eye out for more of your work!

Dammnnn good game

Very interesting and well written. This game gave me Silent Hill vibes which made it even better. Keep up the good work! 


советская девочка: вежливо приглашает меня в свой дом

я: краду все вещи, не приколоченные гвоздями 👍


i loveeeeee this game played it on my school computer but it still looked great

Para mí el tema de la muerte es muy difícil, estoy asustada de morir y que la gente a quien amo muera algún día, este juego pegó justo en ese miedo y me dio una nueva visión de que hay que disfrutar la vida tanto como se pueda con los que amamos y que incluso después de la muerte hay una esperanza de que podamos reencontrarnos con nuestros seres queridos y poder ser felices :) <3 gracais por esta masterpiece, de verdad <3 se volvió de mis juegos favoritos.


It is kinda sad & freaky but nostalgic and happy  in  a weird way. If you would have had to leave  Nika I would have cried. But when I saw my car was destroyed I was oddly happy I couldn't

I have been following your process and been a huge fan of your tumblr for a while, your work is really impressive and you definitely will go places! Keep it up ^-^!!!!


The visuals are STUNNING :0


I adore the nostalgic brutality this game manages to embody. Especially as things bend towards the surreal. The story beats balance well in the realm of creepy and sad. Little details like a playground slide pushing you into a gaping hole create a wonderful rotten set piece. It's great!


Very cute but unnerving game!! Love it so much.


i don't think i've ever seen an RPG Maker game with such large amount of interactable storage spaces lmao loved playing until i had to nope out on the 3rd floor. just couldn't handle those 2 rooms, just yet. I'll get there eventually~


love this


It is so beautiful. The storyline, art and music. I want be Nika's friend bruh i'm not gonna leave her. Asking a question since it's say HAPPY ENDING does that mean there is a bad ending? 


thank you so much!!! 

there's no bad ending, but there are two endings: a happy ending and a true ending! the names are arbitrary, though, you could see either one as being the "better" ending ^^

Amé este juego, de verdad, gracias por crearlo <3

Stunning game, it became one of my favorites already! This game has everything, from good storyline, good programming, good music choice and lovable characters. Nika made me cry a lot and makes me want to be her friend. The one thing that I enyojed the most though was the art, absolutely stunning! Really astonishing work, my friend ;) 


Found a minor typeset error in this item description. Just small cleanup on it needed.

(1 edit) (+2)

This was incredible. Stand proud with head high next to the beloved classics of phyilosophical&horror RPGmaker games.


very good soup game

good meat

This was incredible to play, I'd love to see more of these characters, I got so attached to them!


Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

I am really stunned by the visual art, storyline and the concept of the game. This game is stunning and captures the essence of a horrifying but touching story at the same time. The way we went from the main character's experience when he was a young child to his experience growing up through visiting rooms that are part of his memories was very well planned. Moreover, the touching storyline between a nice young man, Lera and an innocent and nice girl, Nika really pushed the storyline forward, showing how genuine friendships and relationships being formed and how such relationships should be like.

Nika, being a character that appears to have the job of bringing people who intend to die to visit their old memories before sending them away to a new life has been strongly developed by the creator of the game. The amount of effort put into developing Nika and Lera is sufficient to make players feel attached to the characters. Despite all the horrors of death being spread through various dark imagery throughout the game, the storyline is so touching that I cried at the end when Nika is willing to sacrifice herself for Lera. 

This is an amazing horror and touching rpg game. I really loved it.

Thank you for reading my comment and I wished you good luck in your future endeavours.


Thank you for such a great game!! My family is Russian, and playing this really made me feel nostalgic for my childhood. It also vaguely reminded me of Saya no Uta while stile remaining totally original on top of it, so I loved that as well! I honestly want more of Lera and Nika. I'll definitely be revisiting this game a whole lot, it's quite unlike anything I've played and it really felt like home.

Seeing the progress of you making this game only makes the final product more satisfying. Thank you for making this, the art and atmosphere is so lovely. I'd join Nika's flesh family TBH


Oh the ending made me cry. What a beautiful game, thank you

The true ending hit me as well.

What happens in this ending? 


The graphics and pacing is really nice and the soundtracks fits the game. While there are one a few characters they serve their purpose and the two main characters express their goals and personality well for the players to feel attached to. Overall, while the game might be short it is filled with so much emotion that the played can feel and express. Can't wait to see your future works, I'm looking forward to them.


Heh, maybe it wasn't the best idea for me to play this when I suffer from hopelessness much like Lera. But strangely, I enjoyed the game. It felt cathartic, almost, and Nika was like a light in a dark world.


okay I just want to say this now IT NEEDS MORE PARTS TO THE GAME SEQUEL

(1 edit) (+5)

nika Imma write you 10 goddamn letters a day 70 letters a week and 3650 letters every year TILL THE DAY I GODDAMN DIE BUT SCREW THAT IMMA TAKE YOU WITH ME FUCK THE LAWS OF THIS UNIVERSE


I am just taking everything right now because you never know when you might need something


lol i did the same


This game was truly something special and I know it'll be on my mind for a long, long time. Thank you for having the courage and persistence to put out this game, and I really hope it gets the attention it deserves. I know I'll definitely be showing this to some of my friends who I think will enjoy it! :]


Pretty nice, game! Well done :D


I'm so impressed by this game! It's easily one of my favorites now; Lera and Nika are both fascinating characters, the atmosphere is unique, and the sound design is top notch. Thank you for creating such a memorable experience! ✨💙


thank you so much! i'm incredibly touched to hear that; it really does mean a ton to me. ;; 

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