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(1 edit)

Game is currently unplayable on browser

Could you elaborate? It's working for me on my laptop and phone in Chrome and Safari. Thanks! 

I keep getting this error:

Game has encountered a bug. Please report it.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'blendModes')
at Graphics._createRenderer (KhasAdvancedLighting.js:378:28)
at Graphics._createAllElements (rpg_core.js:2337:10)
at Graphics.initialize (rpg_core.js:1767:10)
at SceneManager.initGraphics (rpg_managers.js:1822:14)
at SceneManager.initialize [as khas_core_initialize] (rpg_managers.js:1811:10)
at SceneManager.initialize (KhasCore.js:126:10)
at (rpg_managers.js:1802:14)
at (YEP_CoreEngine.js:1371:32)
at window.onload (main.js:8:18)


@io This game is absolutely outstanding. I don't have much more to say, it is hands down my favorite web game. Please continue making  games, you will go far.


Hi! I found this incredible game and finished playing it! It is such a breathtaking beautiful work! However, I found out that in the Chinese translation version, it seems that the item sheets of numbers was missing in the game, resulting in one of the rooms being not able to enter! Not sure if this could be solved, but still want to inform you

i loved this game!!! its so comforting  and i know ill play this everytime i get bored!!


A really beautiful game with good aesthetics, atmosphere, and a haunting track in the background (although the looping was a bit overbearing lol) i felt really personally targeted by the themes and i really enjoyed them! 

Do anyone know the password?-

fancyrat! it says so in the description :)


there no jumpsacre in this horror game (very friendly sure), it's indeed a good game.

a bad horror game to scare  people for the sense of scary,and a good horror game  will give you a reason to make you will not  afriad of it after it scare you


I got true ending.. poor Nika, I wanted to save her, hug her, and tell her it's going to be alright. I'll stay with her


Fascinating little exploration/horror game with a deeper and relatable meaning. I found Lera to be a very relatable character. 


Lovecraftian but without an ending where the oblivion of madness overtakes you. Nice!



...Or is it..?!

Amei de mais!

first time playing and i got true ending, no idea how but had fun


i love this game and im so happy i found it. thank you


this game was absolutely stunning in every way. i played through it to get both endings and honestly i might come back again to see if there's anything i missed/if there is anything else you can see depending on ****spoilers**** whcih doors you choose in the post-rooftop sequence ****end spoilers**** somehting about it is such a mix of eerie and yet entirely beautiful i couldnt tear my eyes away. although i am curious what are the artifacts for? are they just collectibles or is there something that happens if you get all of them?


...i don't know how to feel about this game. it brings me deep feelings of numbness, sadness, excitement, curiosity, and disgust all at the same time. i love this game.


That was exactly what I thought...

(2 edits) (+1)


Có chút hồi hộp khi chơi nhưng game rất tuyệt vờio((>ω< ))o

Cảm ơn nhà phát triển vì trò chơi (●'◡'●)

Tui là người Việt Nam ó😆😆😆(≧∀≦)ゞo(≧口≦)


Hi mình cũng là người Việt nè :3! Game này hay nhưng mà ko nổi j hết buồn quá!!! 


at the same time i feel a gutt wrenching feeling of disgust and depression, and.... happiness with all the endings... i think i spent more than 3 hours playing this, and again for a second time


Wow... i dont know how to feel right now.... but i feel such a dreading feeiling of (somewhat) nostalgia and happiness, with a fear traveling the endles labyrinth of my soul; I loved it. i dont know how to actually feel :)


this game is so fun and beautiful in it's own way


Comforting, Terrifying, And Very Beautiful, Thank You.


i got 2 endings, the happy ending (imo not so happy) and the true ending, how many endings are there? especially because i had collected alot of items and didnt get to use any of them.

Can i ask how to get the true ending:0?

idk what matters and what not so ill tell you all i did, i picked up every item i saw on the way, was as nice as i could to the little girl cuz i liked her, gave her chocolate on the elevator and everything, said yes when she proposed to help me out when i got lost, and then at the very end when she tells you to go down that hole i said i was afraid of death and then i tried both possibilities, accepting and going down (i think was the happy ending) and telling her i would rather die trying to get out instead of going down and she opened the way back for me (i think this one was the true ending), but i think there is still a bad ending missing because there is a "game over" image in the game files which i never got to see, hope this helps

ok thanks for your help :D

and an update: i went abit more through the game files and found that those are the only 2 endings there is, it looks like there were alot of unused images though, maybe there were a possibility of another ending but it just didnt make the final cut, so yeah those are the only 2 possible endings, and as far as i know the "game over" screen wasnt used neither so it gives you an idea of what the other ending could've been


i though this game have 3 endings lol btw tks for your fact


good game!


(1 edit)

Beautiful game full of detail! I share a lot of your inspirations, so I felt right at home. Maybe that's dangerous, lol.

It reminds me of Silent Hill, House of Leaves, and an old internet story called Dionea House.

I appreciated the Easter egg references to The Shining.

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