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does anyone know where to find the inventory..? like when you take any of the things you find, like those photographs for example, where can you revisit them again in your inventory? 

Click the ESC key.

i loved this game. so much. i usually dont like creepy stuff like this, bc it creeps me out alot, but this was beautiful and I LOVED IT SM. i got the happy ending, and im assuming there would be a bad ending as well, which i might try to get next time i play. the presence of the girl was very comforting, i dont rlly understand it but i also do at the same time if that makes any sense.. in short i rlly loved ur game :)

(2 edits) (-1)

Not sure if this is a bug, but I've dug a bit and can't seem to find the sheet of numbers. I see other people have gotten it from the original intro sequence - I've played through the new patch multiple times and haven't encountered it; is there a room I am overlooking or anything? Thanks!

I keep getting a black screen after clicking start. is this normal? anyone know what to do?

I dont know what to do but I also experience this with the mac laptop :(


I'm sorry about this error. What browser are you using? I've tested the game on Chrome on a mac laptop but errors have been reported in Firefox which I've yet to find a solution to. 

Yeah my game audio is absent on safari, but works perfectly on chrome.


I think im going to cry . so disturbing yet so beautiful too thank you for making this probably going to think about it for a long time.really. Thank you so much


As someone who lives inside the holowness of these weeping gray buildings, I feel comforted. I sometimes wish I wasn't there to experience growing up here. Every day all I can hear is-

'The broken ark floats from the bottom 

 And we shall live forever, and we shall sail forever 

 Look for happiness where even 

 the Icons of terrible five-story buildings cry'


I got the happy ending and it was one of the most depressing endings in a game. I haven't played much games though. Something about escaping your life and just living a lie because you hate your old life even though nothing about it is real or true. That disturbs me.

That sure was a video game (I don't get it), love the amazing artwork and the huge load of sovietic references doe (the song from Cheburashka that plays in the background almost made me go crazy, I thought I was hallucinating until I lowered down the BGM)


did not understand it, but did enjoy it

amazing game, i can play it for hours. so many intresting endings,items to find or use. the game really gets you thinking. super interesting!


Good game, i'm cried

Got the True Ending but still not sure of some of the allegories made. Great game because it's really hard for a game to catch my attention these days.


this was a ??? experience - i don't really know how to describe it
i think this game is a great example of the quote ''art is meant to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed''


this game made me cry, i think i got the wrong understanding from this but i feel its a game of someone who was hurt by the world, finding out that no matter how werid looking nomatter how mean or kind, the world is amazing, and things change

(1 edit) (+2)

Your world is so amazing!

I so appreciate for translating the game in JP!

Although entire graphic is disgusting, I can feel some kind of tranquility and peaceful calmness here... it is strange but confy.

The story line imnplies another kind of peaceful world,

 the BGMs are so chilling, 

and most of all, hazy and nostargic but so pretty artstyle of your artworks are making the game with great flavor.

I do love how Nika is acting cheerfully in the lonesome Complex with deeply depressed Lera... 






Excellent Game. Short, very detailed art, and keeps you wanting to know more!


wow.  i mean, that's all i can say, this game was so good. I loved the experience so much oh gosh. Excellent work with everything. The atmosphere was perfect, the music was excellent and the art and graphics were just gorgeous (and horrifying). I haven't enjoyed a game this much in ages! <3333


this is one of the best games i have played <333 


the art style us so prettyy ^^


I really liked this! I loved the overall atmosphere and my friend and I adored it. Keep up the good work! <3


This was such a cool game!!! The elements and world building were perfect! I really hope you'll make a sequel or another game like this! Their were so many items I wonder if I missed places I could use them... I'll have try again!

Amazing!!! I couldn't stop playing! The ending was amazing and the middle was creepy! I would have paid money for this it's so good!


easily one of the best experiences ive had playing through a rpg in years.  the writing style is romantically poetic yet ever so unsettling in a way that only some writers of horror manage to pull off. the first couple seconds immediately captivated me and it just kept on getting more intriguing somehow. absolutely no idea what your inspirations could be but i kept being reminded of certain denpa and lovecraftian works while reading through and i could not help but be hopelessly in love. 

best of luck on any future projects :) 



this was so beautiful oh my lord. loved it so so much!!!

im not crying, your crying

(1 edit)

очень по филосовски я почти заплакала

игра затригерила разговор за условностьь жизни ну вот то что мы мяссоо даа

хочу быть призраком


Best game I've played in a while. Literally sobbing rn. 


sobbing, i got the happy ending; though i thought nika's parents were gna eat me, i still trusted her<33




i take the happy ending but dont seems so happy though :(

the art for this game inspires me SOSO much. amazing work!! i loved the game

got the happy ending! Really enjoy it and LOVE the artstyle


happy ending :D!



im stuck in the bathroom, help plz

Hit enter when in front of the bathroom window, then answer yes to progress.

I stuck in the room with floating tiles, several lamps and... Is it a hole with walls made of flesh ? Can you help me, please ?

Wait, I missed a goddamn door lol.

(1 edit)

Очень хорошая игра, я даже ролик по ней запилил. Спасибо автору!


the art style is so cute! I love how dark it is and the story. 

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